by Clouser On Business | Oct 29, 2018 | Blog
A role often overlooked of a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is the responsibility of having to SAY NO to ideas that are valiantly proposed by other top management executives or departments. The first thought that may come to mind when you mention the position of CFO is...
by Clouser On Business | Dec 21, 2016 | Podcast
I’ll have an extra olive please! On this podcast CLOUSER talks business with Loyd Matthey who manages a specialty food company. Hear guest share some frustrations and successes with building a company that has a niche market place. Listen to how relationships...
by Clouser On Business | Dec 7, 2016 | Podcast
On this podcast,the decision process and some keys to making good decisions. CLOUSER and Heidi Bird discuss some basic steps to assist in the decision making process. Hear why clutter keeps people from deciding well. Listen to what is an indicator of whether a...
by Clouser On Business | Oct 26, 2016 | Blog
Decision making—it’s part of our daily routine; we all have to make them. In business, some are more difficult than others, and some carry heavier weight. Each of us has a unique style and process in making them, but what leads to successful decision...