Product Development–360 View

Product Development–360 View

Listen to this podcast on product development.  Guest Doug Porter shares what a business should be considering when developing a new product.  Hear how firms like his assists businesses with development and marketing of the product.  Porter explains why businesses...
Is Plugging In at Work Productive?

Is Plugging In at Work Productive?

Plugging in at work with those earbuds, earbugs, and headphones- is it unproductive?   You might be surprised. Hear Clouser and Heidi Bird debate both sides of the issue.  Are you being anti-social or just tuning out noise?  Does it hinder your contribution to your...
Millennial Mania ‘a Go- Go’

Millennial Mania ‘a Go- Go’

More millennial mania as Clouser and guest Nicole Speulda discuss this generation.  Some insights on what research is showing us.  Who are the millennials and what confronts them in the workplace.  Speulda and Clouser share some stories and thoughts on how the boomer...
Millennials: What To Do, What To Do?

Millennials: What To Do, What To Do?

In this first of several podcasts on Millennials, guest Erik Daniels talks about the importance of having intentional conversations about #financial planning with Millennials. From setting expectations and boundaries with young adults who may need to move back home...
Millennial Mania ‘a Go- Go’

Summer Days: Clouser On Clouser

Learn more about Clouser on this summer episode.  Heidi Bird, technical advisor, interviews Clouser  about his background and how he started in business.  Clouser explains how his upbringing has been a great influence with how he approaches business and workplace...