In order to score in basketball one must focus and follow thru with the shot. In bowling in order to get that strike, one must focus and follow thru in the roll. The same holds true in golf, baseball, and …well, you get the point.
So as a business owner you have completed your business plan, which includes your 12 month cash forecast. The key to your success is now in the implementation and execution of your plan. Like a golfer at the tee box who is imagining the outcome of a perfect swing, so too must you envision the outcome of your well executed plan. How does your net income, and cash in the bank look like in your mind? Are you imagining the end result? How about sitting on the beach enjoying the fruits of your dedication to execution (the club trophy maybe).
You have done your driving range preparation by formulating your plan, so now it’s time to see what is going to work. Staying focused and being true to those things you put into your plan that will bring the success your company needs is very important. Do not get distracted by matters that will not help you achieve your goals—it takes discipline.
The professional golfer works each day on swing mechanics and makes adjustments to perfect the swing. Your business plan will be adjusted daily, weekly, and monthly to accommodate unforeseen events within your business. This is okay; it is necessary to stay on course to achieve the prize (your goal).
So to avoid the shot off the rim, the air ball, the gutter ball, and the slices and the shanks, please remember to follow thru and stay focused. Great outcomes await you for doing so!
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