Keep the Momentum Going

Keep the Momentum Going

Keep the momentum going into the New Year.  CLOUSER and Heidi discuss how to keep the positives working into the coming year. Listen to discussion on how to assess what worked and what hasn’t.  CLOUSER uses example of S.M.A.R.T formula introduced in 1981 in...
I’ll Have an Extra Olive Please

I’ll Have an Extra Olive Please

I’ll have an extra olive please!  On this podcast CLOUSER talks business with Loyd Matthey who manages a specialty food company.  Hear guest share some frustrations and successes with building a company that has a niche market place. Listen to how relationships...
Taking Stock of 2016

Taking Stock of 2016

On this podcast hear CLOUSER and Heidi Bird assess the past year.  Listen to some thoughts on determining what worked well and what didn’t turn out so good.  Heidi shares some stories on who has influenced her the most in her career.  CLOUSER talks about the...
I’ll Have an Extra Olive Please

Your Decision–What’s Your Process?

On this podcast,the decision process and some keys to making good decisions.  CLOUSER and Heidi Bird discuss some basic steps to assist in the decision making process.  Hear why clutter keeps people from deciding well.  Listen to what is an indicator of whether a...